Francois Oosthuizen

"My love for CrossFit started when I finished my 1st crossfit workout. I lay on my back, muscles burning and out of breath but although it was horrible, I fell in love with it and knew that it was for me!

I then joined a group of people at what we call a box, a group of people who are in all aspects different.  Different races, people in all shapes and sizes coming from an array of different backgrounds. But we all had one similarity,  and that is our goal to be fitter,  stronger and better humans and what better place to achieve this than at a CrossFit box with a community like none other!

I'm blessed beyond measure to be a part of this amazing community and I can't thank God enough for this!"

Coach / Manager @ CrossFit Mammoth
CrossFit Level 1

Back Squat: 145kg
Front Squat: 125kg
Clean & Jerk: 115kg
Snatch: 85kg
Strict press: 77kg
Deadlift: 200kg
Fran: 3:33min
Grace: 1:52min
100 DU's: 0:58min

Height: 1.79m
Weight: 80kg

I am n ninja when it comes to:
Muscle ups and snatches. Yes and I do love Burpees....

I Suck at:
Pull ups

My favourite cheat meal:

Coach Rob aka Robzilla

" I just loved crossFit from the moment I first tried it. I have been coaching for a while now and love people, teaching them new things and seeing them happy and achieving their goals. The community and hope it brings to people is just awesome to see.


- The biggest biceps in the world and a whole lot of passion!


Weight: 92kg

Best: clean and jerk 120kg

Worst: burpee...dont know if I have ever done one haha

I am a Ninja when it comes to: Rapping and dancing and doing Muscle ups (I can do all of those at once)

Coach Carmen

I have coached hockey for many years and am passionate about performance and fitness. What people don't know about me I am an ex professional snow boarder and do pretty well in the cold! I have taken over the HPC Mammoth athletes as well as the Moms Fit program we are running!

I really love training and crossFit has made a huge impact on my life. I am always excited to have new people and see them reach their goals.

Height: Does it Matter

Weight: You never ask a girl that

Best: running and rowing and fitness

Worst: Thrusters (has anyone ever loved them?)

I am a ninja when it comes to: music, I can play sing and just really have a passion for it

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